Inconsiderately Polite

College Students' Views on Etiquette Online

All About Maggie Cary


So, this week on Twitter I found a woman named Maggie Cary.  I found out through her biography that she is a teacher, writer, and mom.  She writes about education, parenting, and has written a book for elementary school children called “The Secrets of the Crystal Cavern.”  I am currently studying teaching and writing arts in college, so I decided to take a more in depth look at her follower list as well as who she is following to see what else I could find.  I found out that she has been teaching for over 20 years and shares her experiences and knowledge on a blog called “Classroom Talks.”  Someone can instantly access this blog because she has a link to it right on her Twitter profile.

maggie cary

After finding out a little more about who she is I went and checked out her followers.  Her 23,396 consist of educators of all grades, Twitter accounts with resources for teaching or parents, and even some students who are looking to have a career as an educator.   I also noticed a lot of authors and writers that followed her.  From this list of followers, I can tell that educators, parents, and other authors trust her opinion.  She has been teaching over 20 years, which in my opinion, makes her a valid source in educational topics.  I could see why she has the followers she has because they directly relate to her interests that she lists in her biography.  The people who follow her also may look to her for ideas and advice.

After checking out her blog on Classroom Talks, I think that it is a great source for future teachers.  It gives helpful information on everything from helping children to make friends to how to help a struggling learner to advice on using social media.  With such varied topics and the ease of getting to the blog right from Twitter, her followers are opened up to another world of helpful sources and posts.  I can see why her followers, which are mainly educators or future educators and writers, would want to connect with her because she gives helpful advice and ideas related directly to those fields.

Maggie Cary not only has the followers, but she is following 11,551 people.  The people she follows are mainly other teachers, writers, bloggers, or resources for teachers.  This makes sense because these directly correlate to her interests.  This shows how dedicated she is to the field she is studying, and is still looking to learn new things and connect and collaborate with others about new ideas.

I admire how she still wants to learn and work with others because I want to be a teacher who is willing to collaborate others to share ideas to be the best I can be.  I think that the best teachers are those who are willing to listen, collaborate, and share new ideas to better themselves and others, which seems to be exactly what Maggie Cary does.  Maggie Cary takes the time to share ideas, and let others share ideas, through her Twitter and blog.  She seems dedicated to her fields of teaching and writing and wants to share her knowledge and experience with others.  I hope that one day I can be as dedicated and knowledgeable as her about teaching.  You can check her out at @maggiecary!






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Inconsiderately Polite

College Students' Views on Etiquette Online

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